Air Travel from San Diego to Ensenada, Baja California

(El Ciprés Airport)

There are no air transportation services from San Diego to Ensenada on a regular basis so far.

The only way to fly between the two cities is by your own plane.

Ensenada´s domestic airport: El Ciprés
Although this airport is relatively small, it accepts the landing of aircraft coming from the USA. In this case the Aeropuerto El Ciprés accepts only light aircraft, such as those manufactured by Piper or Cessna.

The Ciprés Airport provides fuel, shelter, and customs and immigration services.

If you're the pilot flying south the border make sure the Ensenada climatic conditions are favourable to land there.

You are allowed to land at this airport during daylight hours only.

Do not forget your pilot's license, the Aeronautics card, and the aircraft insurance.

Approximate flight times between San Diego and the Ensenada´s Airport: 20 minutes.

Contact El Ciprés Airport
Phone: (646) 177-4503

Local Time in Ensenada
Weather in Ensenada
Car Rentals Services
Insurance Services
Medical Tourism

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