About Tejuino

In this page we offer basic information about tejuino, a traditional Mexican beverage.

Tejuino, a Refreshing Beverage

Tejuino is a lightly fermented beverage based on corn and is seasoned with salt, dark sugar, lemon, ice and a pinch of chile.


Tejuino is a fermented corn drink, whose main nutritional content may be the amount of probiotics it contains as a result of its mild fermentation.

Tejuino is a refreshing drink that you can buy along the west Mexican coast and in northern Mexican states.

Tejuino is a beverage originated in Colima, a southwest Mexican state.

The main ingredients of this beverage are corn dough and piloncillo.

Piloncillo is the Mexican word for hardened molases.

Tejuino's base is masa, the very same dough used to make up tortillas.

They mix it with water and piloncillo, and boil it to a thick consistency. Then a pinch of salt an lemon are added.

Basic Receipe to prepare
Tejuino with raw corn masa

  • Dilute a kilo of corn meal in water so as to obtain a porridge-like consistency
  • Add 3/4 of a kilo of brown sugar
  • Allow 4 days to ferment in warm weather or 7 days in cold weather
  • Add a pinch of ground sea salt, lemon juice, ice and hot chile to taste when serving

The key in preparing this refreshing beverage is pouring it from a high level and back from a high level several times to oxigenate it. The end result: one of the planet's best rehydration drinks.

Origins of Tejuino

Tejuino is a drink whose origins are lost beyond the year 1400 AD.

The place of origin of tejuino is central Mexico, where the Nahua people lived. For this reason the word "tejuino" comes most likely from the Nahuatl language.

What does the word "tejuino" mean?

Several sources say that the Tejuino name comes from the Nahuatl word tecuín, which means "to beat the heart." While others mention "yolotl" as the Nahuatl equivalent of the word "heart".

While we wait to know which of the two language versions is the true one, the only certainty is that tejuino is a delicious and very refreshing drink.

Popularity of Tejuino

Today the popularity of this Mexican drink is continuously increasing in Mexico and in the U.S.

Do not confuse "tejuino" with "tesgüino". The latter is another Mexican beverage but much more fermented.

Tesgüino, a little different Beverage

The tesgüino is a ceremonial drink of the Tarahumara, an indigenous people of Chihuahua, although it is prepared and consumed by people of other communities in northern Mexico.

There are variations of this beverage which adopts different names according to the ingredients available for its preparation.

This drink is used in ceremonies and by traditional healers to treat the sick.

Tesgüino is so important among these people that they offer it as a gift. During the holidays it is tasted by the audience.

During tesgüinadas -important annual festivals of the Tarahumara- the drink is offered as well as during meetings to discuss issues of the indigenous community.

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